Establishing Community Response Models for College Campuses
Past Event
August 30, 2023, 2:00pm - 3:00pm, Eastern
Hosted by The Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center and the Center for Policing Equity.
Across the country, college campuses are looking to enact new methods of responding to the needs of students. This webinar will focus on the emerging trend of alternative first response models on college campuses and will provide a framework and best practices for municipalities and administrators looking to enact similar response programs for college communities. This webinar is being hosted by the CSG Justice Center and the Center for Policing Equity as part of the Unlocking Democracy 2.0 program.
- Melissa McKee, Policy Analyst, Behavioral Health, CSG Justice Center (moderator)
- Tawn Christians and Reiman Abakar, Responders, Oregon State University (OSU) ASSIST (panelists)
- Katherine Newman, Implementation Manager, Amherst Crisis Responders for Equity, Safety & Service (CRESS) (panelist)